高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 4 School Life 单元测试题(含答案+听力原文,无听力音频) 您所在的位置:网站首页 unit4reading school life教案 高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 4 School Life 单元测试题(含答案+听力原文,无听力音频)

高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 4 School Life 单元测试题(含答案+听力原文,无听力音频)

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Unit 4 School LifeⅠ. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each question. 听对话,选择最佳答案。(10%)1) What’s the weather like now A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.2) Where does the conversation take place A. Meeting hall. B. Library. C. Playground.3) Which club did the man join A. English Club. B. Basketball Club. C. Singing Club.4) When will the competition begin A. At 9:40. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:20.5) What will the woman probably do next A. Call her mother. B. Go to see Mike. C. Clean her house.6) What does the woman mean A. The play is interesting. B. The play is boring. C. The play is terrible.7) What are the speakers probably going to do A. See a film. B. Catch the train. C. Buy the tickets.8) Which part-time job will the man take A. A waiter. B. A salesperson. C. A singer.9) Where will the speakers go A. Swimming pool. B. Supermarket. C. Station.10) What’s the woman’s favorite subject A. Math. B. Art. C. Music.Ⅱ. Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks. 听短文,补全内容。(10%)Where do you see yourself in three years Whether you want to get into a college or to become a 11)_________ worker, Star Vocational High School (SVHS) will prepare you for it. You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History. You will also study special 12)_________ related to your major. You will learn and 13)_________ your skills in the training center. You will also get hands-on experience by doing 14)_________ at real companies. Life at school is not all about studying. Having 15)_________ can help you relax and help you learn. At SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, activities, clubs, and sports teams to choose from.Ⅲ. Choose the proper sentences to fill in the blanks in the dialogue. 选择合适的句子补全对话。(20%)(A)Ella Baker: Hi, Yuchen. How’s your day Zhang Yuchen: 16)____ I just had a P.E. class. It was a lot of fun.Ella Baker: Sounds like you really enjoyed it.Zhang Yuchen: Yes, I did. 17)____Ella Baker: Really 18)____ but it’s not my favorite.Zhang Yuchen: 19)_____Ella Baker: Information Technology.Zhang Yuchen: Why do you like it so much Ella Baker: 20)_____A. Great. B. It is boring. C. I like P.E. too, D. Why do you like it E. P.E. is my favorite subject. F. What’s your favorite subject G. Because it’s very useful and interesting.(B)Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30.Lin Yang: Me too. 21) _____Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it.Lin Yang: 22) _____ Where are they holding the competition Ella Baker: In the meeting hall.Lin Yang: 23) _____Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00.Lin Yang: When will it be over Ella Baker: 24) _____Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. 25) _____Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there!Lin Yang: See you!A. Sure. B. Sounds fun. C. When will it begin D. It’ll begin at 18:00. E. Shall we go together F. It’ll be over by 18:00. G. What are you going to do after that IV. Choose the proper answer to each of the sentences. 选择合适的答案完成句子。(20%)26) --Shall we go together -- _____A. It’s funny. B. Sure. Let’s go.C. I’m busy. D. It’s too late.27) -- Let’s go to see the speech competition tomorrow afternoon.-- _____A. Yes, please. B. See you.C. Good idea. D. Not at all.28) David has rich _____ in training courses. Students like him very much.A. experienced B. experienceC. experiences D. experiencing29) The book is _____ Chinese characters.A. related to B. relate to C. relating to D. related30) Lina will _____ a speech for the meetingA. prepares B. preparing C. prepare D. prepared31) The English Club is going to _____ the speech competition in the meeting hall.A. hold B. make C. watch D. get32) Our school offers five different _____ which you can choose for your future job.A. lessons B. books C. majors D. ideas33) _____ high schools are different from normal high schools.A. Vocation B. Vacation C. Vocations D. Vocational34) Music is my favorite subject. It is _____.A. interesting B. boring C. useless D. dull35) You can also study _____ subjects related to your major.A. special B. specially C. specialize D. specialty36) I _____ you as soon as I arrive home.A. call B. will call C. calls D. called37) The train _____ at 10 this morning.A. going to arrive B. will be arriveC. is going to arrive D. is arriving38) --Let’s go out to play football.--OK. I _____A. will be coming B. be going to comeC. am coming D. come39) If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we _____ go roller-skating.A. will B. are C. have D. /40) Who ________ Jack_____ swimming with tomorrow afternoon A. will; go B. will; goes C. does; go D. do; going41) ________ a concert next Saturday.A. There can be B. There be willC. There will be D. There are42) Charlie ________ here next month.A. isn’t working B. doesn’t workingC. isn’t going to work D. won’t working43) --Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow -- No, ________. A. they don’t B. they won’tC. they aren’t D. they didn’t44) The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A. will watching B. watches C. is watching D. are going to watch45) Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It________ rain soon.A. is going to B. is C. will D. will beV. Read and choose the best answers to complete the passage. 阅读并选择最佳答案补全文章。(10%)Germany has a world-famous vocational education system. About half of its students 46) _____ to have vocational education after 47) _____ secondary school. Firstly, students choose 48) _____ occupation. This is the occupation they will be trained for. Secondly, students apply 49) _____ a real company which offers training in that occupation. This is like finding a 50) _____. Thirdly, Students 51) _____ a training contract with the company to begin their training. 52) _____ the training, students spend about 30% of their time 53) _____ basic special knowledge in a vocational school and about 70% of their time learning skills and 54) _____ steps at the company in real work environments. When the training ends, students will take a final exam to 55) _____ a certificate which companies around the country recognize.46) A. chooses B. chose C. choose D. chosen47) A. leaves B. leave C. leaving D. left48) A. a B. an C. the D. /49) A. to B. for C. in D. with50) A. job B. company C. school D. course51) A. draw B. sign C. get D. make52) A. Along B. Within C. During D. Between53) A. learnt B. learn C. learning D. to learn54) A. learn B. work C. play D. train55) A. get B. give C. begin D. takeVI. Read and choose the best answers. 阅读并选择最佳答案。(20%)(A)Where do you see yourself in three years Whether you want to get into a college or to become a skilled worker, Star Vocational High School (SVHS) will prepare you for it.Star Vocational High SchoolSubjects You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History. You will also study special lessons related to your major.Skills and experience You will improve your skills in the training center. You will also get hands-on experience at real companies.Activities Life at school is not all about studying. Some interesting activities can help you relax and help you learn. At SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, clubs, and sports teams to choose from.56. What is SVHS It is _____.A. a subject B. a companyC. a normal high school D. a vocational high school57. How many basic subjects are referred in the passage A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. six.58. The introduction of Star Vocational High School is written for _____.A. company staffs B. factory workersC. high school teacher D. middle school students59. If you want to get hands-on experience, you should _____.A. learn basic coursesB. go to normal high schoolsC. work at real companiesD. take part in some school activities60. Which sentence is NOT true according to the passage A. Students will study special subjects related to your major.B. Students should not spend their time on school activities.C. Students will learn and practice your skills in the training center.D. Students will have all kinds of school trips, clubs, and sports teams to choosefrom.(B)In many American universities, students should finish thirty-six courses for their degree. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks. A student will attend four or five courses during each semester. It is possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course.The scores of the courses will be recorded, and the record will be shown to their future employers. Students will find a better job if they have good scores. Any student who breaks the rules will appear before a student court. Some students would like to take part in the elections (选举) for entering student organizations. A student who is in student organizations is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.61) How many classes does a typical course have for one semester   A. 3 B. 15 C. 20 D. 4562) According to the first paragraph, an American student is allowed to _____.A. live in a different university  B. live at home and drive to classes  C. get two degrees from two different universities  D. attend four or five courses during each semester63) Why the scores of the courses will be recorded Because _____.  A. teachers need the records  B. universities need the records  C. student court needs the records  D. it is useful for students to find a better job64) Any student who breaks the rules will _____.  A. leave the university  B. apologize to the university  C. appear before a student court  D. be shown to their future employers65) Some students would like to enter the student organizations because _____.  A. they don’t like their study  B. such positions are usually well paid  C. they will be able to stay longer in the university  D. such positions will be of benefit to him later in his careerVII. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks. 阅读并补全句子。(10%)66) P.E. is my favorite course.I love P.E. _________.67) Tim would like to be a school football team member.Tom would like to _________ the school football team.68) We are going to have a picnic next week.(对划线部分提问)_________ are you going to have a picnic 69) I will go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)____________________________________ 70) 态度和能力一样重要。Attitude is just _________ _________ _________ ability.Unit 4Ⅰ.Transcript:1) M: Shall we go out for a walk W: Oh, it is raining cats and dogs. We can wait for a moment.M: OK. Let’s watch TV at home.Q: What’s the weather like now 2) M: Pass me the ball. It’s a good chance to shoot.W: OK. Catch.Q: Where does the conversation take place 3) M: Did you join any clubs at school W: Of course, the English Club and the Singing Club. How about you M: I joined the Basketball Club.Q: Which club did the man join 4) M: Mary, what time is it by your watch W: It’s nine forty.M: Oh, there are twenty minutes left for the competition.Q: When will the competition begin 5) M: Jane, we are going to see Mike. Would you like to go with us W: Yes, but I’ll make a phone call to my mother first.Q: What will the woman probably do next 6) M: How did you enjoy the play last night W: It was terrific.Q: What does the woman mean 7) M: Hurry up, the train is arriving.W: I’m coming. But the luggage is too heavy.Q: What are the speakers probably going to do 8) W: What kind of part-time job would you like to take M: A waiter in a hotel. I can get service experience there.W: Sounds great!Q: Which part-time job will the man take 9) M: What are you going to do this weekend W: I’m going to swim. Would you like to go with me M: Sure.Q: Where will the speakers go 10) M: Congratulations! You have got a full score in math.W: Thank you. It is my favorite subject.Q: What’s the woman’s favorite subject 1) – 5) CCBBA6) – 10) CBAAAⅡ.Transcript:Where do you see yourself in three years Whether you want to get into a college or to become a skilled worker, Star Vocational High School (SVHS) will prepare you for it. You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History. You will also study special subjects related to your major. You will learn and practice your skills in the training center. You will also get hands-on experience by doing internships at real companies. Life at school is not all about studying. Having fun can help you relax and help you learn. At SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, activities, clubs, and sports teams to choose from.11) skilled12) subjects13) practice14) internship15) funⅢ.16) – 20) AECFG21) – 25) GBCFEIV.26) – 30) BCBAC31) – 35) ACDAA36) – 40) BDCAA41) – 45) CCBDAV.46) – 50) CCBAA51) – 55) BCCBAVI.56) – 60) DCDCB61) – 65) DDDCDVII.66) best67) join68) When69) Will you go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow 70) as important as








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